If coming up with a down payment is a struggle, we may have some options that can help. Programs are still available with will allow you to borrow your down payment, have it provided to you as a non repayable gift, RRSP sources the lender! Some options are better than others, but we should review your specific situation to determine which (if any) is right for you.
FLEX DOWN- Some restrictions apply
Down payment can be borrowed from credit sources, Line of Credit, and Personal Loan) You must have good credit and have a minimum beacon score to qualify. The increased insurance premium of 2.90% added to mortgage, there is no premium added to the interest rate.
A gift letter must be from an immediate family member and be non repayable as outlined in a gift letter. The borrower should be able to show closing costs of their own.
Equity from the sale of a property can be used as downpayment, you will need to provide a firm sale agreement along with a copy of your current mortgage statement.
Use up to $25,000 if you are a first time home buyer or have not owned a home for the last 5 years.